HE LORD JESUS WAS A MIGHTY PROPHET WHO WAS MIGHTY IN DEED AND WORD. (Luke 24:19). In fact, if you want to know the true picture or function of a prophet just look at the life of Christ Jesus.

Of all the prophets mentioned in the Bible the Lord Jesus is the Great Prophet - the true identity of a prophet: He is the Alpha and Omega, and His words are life, truth and trustworthy. He even said that, "These things says He that is Holy, he that is True, He that hath the key of David...." (Revelation chapter 3). In other words, He is saying that that His words are true all the time, and 100% words of God Almighty Himself. Let us recall that He even said that He is the Way, Life and Truth.

Now we know, for sure, that He was not joking about Him being, firstly, the Truth expressing God's truth by His mouth, and Life because everything He declared was only the truth - no lie at all!

Now we have records of prophecies about these, present, Last Days and the future going forward. He has revealed mysteries and deep hidden things that many have made big mistakes and errors about predicting the future and many lies of the Devil out there. He revealed many things about the present age or era of today we are living in: what will happen, what to look out for, and to prepare ourselves and pray.

His words will not expire, they will definitely come to pass! it is our duty to listen or read with understanding, and keep those things that he has said in His Holy Scriptures, the Bible. Furthermore, He said that, "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will come to pass." (Matt 24:35).

Since there are many prophecies that the Lord has mentioned, we will not focus on all of them, but we will choice five of them, that the Holy Spirit has led us to focus on. All the verses we will be focusing on all come and in the Bible; especially in the Book of Matthew Chapter 24. This will open our eyes of understanding and prepare us for all that is coming to this near-ending wicked world, Amen!


They are many prophecies that the Lord prophesied about that are written in the holy Bible: including other prophecies from other mighty prophets of God. But the Holy Spirit has led me to focus on these five (5) prophecies; to write them down just like the way He commanded Apostle John in the book of Revelation in the first chapter.

The bad news from all of this is that there is no way you can avoid them, the time to face these prophecies head-on has come, the reality of the words of the Lord are settling in and fast!

Every christian and all men of God (true servants of God) will, in fact must, suffer persecution, tribulation and face more tough problems. Neither can they be immune from false prophets because now we know very well that they are everywhere: in the TV, radio, events, and some of us are even our neighbors and etc. They are increasing in great numbers and they are getting even more advanced in their deceptions; and now it is way harder for us to see their true colors of what kind of trees they are by their fruits.

False christs on the other hand, have won multitudes of people, in millions, to the Devil. And they are reaping souls even right now as we speak - the situation has gone from very bad to more than worse! Many of them, including the false prophets, believe Satan when he promises them gifts, prices and rewards that are only temporal; and only adding to their blindness further. The Devil is greedy and selfish and he is not going to share his glory with anyone. He is just only using them to lead more souls, including them, to hellfire and eternal damnation!

Once you are on the Devil's side know for sure, without a complete doubt, that you are definitely going to perish unless you repent whole hardheartedly and believe only in the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ - CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY, DOOR, LIFE AND TRUTH FORGET THE REST PLEASE BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!

This might be a surprise to many, but know that they are people who have sold their souls and serve the Devil willingly and volunterily to deceive many people to lead them to hell, making the Devil's work more easy for him. Families, churches, communities and many lives' are destroy and shipwrecked because of this servants of Satan. They live with us but they sell and betray us, just like their fellow brother Judas Iscariot who sold and betrayed the Lord Jesus; after so many years living with the Lord. No money, price or reward can save your soul, only the blood of Jesus Christ can redeem and save your soul end of story!

Whether people are aware of this revelation or not, the Earth, Heaven, Hell, Death, and the ungodly are going to be destroyed; not by Satan (even if he wished he does not have even a fraction of that power - not in a million years!) but by God the Lord of Hosts himself!

And the good news is that the Devil is not spared, including all his false christs, false prophets, angels, and with all those that love him so dearly (sorry, but it is the truth and it will not change!): they will be all be tossed or casted into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone at the Day of Judgment. The Lord said that the same way all were destroyed by the flood, the same way all shall be destroyed but by blazing fire.

The Antichrist and Satan have prepared themselves for the final and ultimate destruction of mankind and the entire world; and they are also ready even for the Armageddon War of the ages...!

...Death, tribulation, weeping, persecution, torture, hatred, bitterness, fear, betrayal, abuse, rape, murder, wars, and every other evil and wicked things you can think of; will be the order of the day in the Great Tribulation period, ruled by Antichrist and Satan - IT WILL BE HELL ON EARTH!

Apostle Peter said that, "But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober; and watch unto prayer"; and the Lord Jesus said, "Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your lord doth come."


Article Questions & Answers (QnA)

1. Are there more prophesies about the End Times from Jesus Christ?

Yes, they are many more prophecies that the once mentioned above. These 5 prophecies were chosen by the Lord Holy Spirit to only write about on this article; for people to get more in-depth and deep revelation about our the future.

Furthermore, many prophecies will be fulfilled in the present days going forward. While we wish that some of them will not come to pass, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do to stop them from becoming a reality! Many churches do not want to talk about them, they make sure that no one tries even tries to mention because it will scare away a lot of people.

Ignorance is not going to make the truth of God's word and His prophecies, whether good or bad, void or to stop from happening. We have been under darkness for too long it is high time we wake up and face the facts, the truth and reality of this doomed world that is passing away everyday. As harsh and hard as it may sound those prophecies and not good news for anyone, neither is the Devil happy about them....

So, it is very important that we study those prophecies thoroughly to understand them and know the truth.

Find more prophecies of the Lord Jesus to study from the two Gospels:

      > Matthew 24 (whole chapter)
      > Luke 21 (whole chapter).

2. Does The Prosperity Gospel Promote A Self-Centered Approach To Faith?

The Prosperity Gospel fosters a self-centered approach to faith by emphasizing personal gain and success over communal well-being and service to others. It encourages believers to prioritize their own desires for wealth and prosperity, often at the expense of those around them. This self-centered mindset stands in stark contrast to the teachings of Jesus, who emphasized the importance of love, humility, and sacrificial service.

Instead of following Jesus' example of selflessness and compassion, adherents of the Prosperity Gospel are taught to focus on their own needs and desires, believing that God exists to fulfill their every wish. This distorted view of faith leads to a lack of empathy and concern for others, as believers become consumed with their own pursuit of material blessings. In doing so, they neglect the biblical mandate to love their neighbors as themselves and to care for the poor and marginalized.

Moreover, the Prosperity Gospel fosters a sense of entitlement among believers, leading them to believe that they are owed prosperity simply by virtue of their faith. This entitlement mentality breeds spiritual complacency and hinders genuine spiritual growth and maturity. Instead of seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matthew 6:33), adherents of the Prosperity Gospel are preoccupied with their own desires for wealth and success, missing out on the true blessings that come from a life devoted to serving God and others.

3. How Does The Prosperity Gospel Exploit Vulnerable Individuals, Particularly The Poor?

The Prosperity Gospel preys on the vulnerability of individuals, particularly those who are economically disadvantaged and desperate for relief from financial hardship. It promises wealth and prosperity in exchange for faith and financial contributions, offering false hope to those who are struggling to make ends meet. By presenting material wealth as a sign of God's favor, the Prosperity Gospel manipulates the poor into believing that their financial struggles are a result of their lack of faith or insufficient giving.

This exploitation of the vulnerable exacerbates the economic hardships of the poor, as they are coerced into giving sacrificially to ministries and churches that promise prosperity in return. Instead of addressing the root causes of poverty and inequality, the Prosperity Gospel perpetuates cycles of economic exploitation and oppression, enriching those at the top of the religious hierarchy at the expense of the most vulnerable members of society.

4. Does The Prosperity Gospel Neglect The Teachings Of Jesus Regarding Suffering And Persecution?

Yes, the Prosperity Gospel conveniently ignores Jesus' warnings about the inevitability of suffering and persecution for those who follow him. Instead of preparing believers for the challenges they may face, it presents a sanitized version of Christianity that promises only blessings and prosperity. This distortion of Jesus' message not only sets unrealistic expectations but also undermines the importance of perseverance, faithfulness, and trust in God during times of trial.

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus and his disciples repeatedly emphasized the reality of suffering and persecution for believers. Jesus himself endured great suffering, culminating in his crucifixion, and he warned his followers that they too would face hardships for their faith (John 16:33). Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote extensively about the trials and tribulations he experienced as a result of his commitment to Christ (2 Corinthians 11:23-28).

By glossing over the reality of suffering, the Prosperity Gospel creates a shallow and counterfeit form of faith that is ill-equipped to withstand the storms of life. Instead of teaching believers to trust in God's sovereignty and faithfulness, it encourages them to pursue temporal blessings at the expense of true spiritual growth and maturity. In doing so, it distorts the teachings of Jesus and leads believers astray from the path of discipleship and obedience.

5. How Does The Prosperity Gospel Promote A Distorted View Of God'S Character?

The Prosperity Gospel promotes a distorted view of God as a cosmic vending machine or genie whose primary purpose is to grant the wishes of believers. It reduces the Almighty Creator to a transactional deity who dispenses blessings in exchange for faith and financial contributions. This portrayal not only diminishes God's sovereignty and holiness but also cheapens the true nature of His love and grace.

Instead of understanding God as a loving and just Father who desires a relationship with His children, adherents of the Prosperity Gospel see Him as a means to an end – a source of personal enrichment and material gain. This distorted view overlooks the biblical truth that God's greatest gift is not wealth or prosperity but salvation through Jesus Christ. It also fails to acknowledge that God's blessings extend beyond material possessions to include spiritual blessings such as forgiveness, redemption, and eternal life.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel promotes the erroneous belief that God's favor can be earned through acts of faith or financial giving. This legalistic approach to spirituality undermines the central message of grace found throughout the Bible. It suggests that God's blessings are contingent upon human effort rather than His unmerited favor.

Ultimately, the Prosperity Gospel promotes a distorted view of God's character that is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus and the overall message of the Bible. Instead of leading believers into a deeper understanding of God's love and grace, it perpetuates shallow and materialistic notions of spirituality that hinder true spiritual growth and maturity.

6. Does The Prosperity Gospel Prioritize Material Wealth Over Spiritual Growth?

Yes, the Prosperity Gospel prioritizes material wealth and prosperity over spiritual growth and maturity. It equates financial success with spiritual blessing, leading believers to prioritize worldly riches over the pursuit of holiness, righteousness, and obedience to God's word.

Instead of encouraging believers to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33), adherents of the Prosperity Gospel are taught to focus on accumulating wealth and prosperity in this life. They are led to believe that material blessings are a sign of God's favor and that poverty and hardship are indicators of spiritual deficiency.

This misplaced emphasis on materialism not only distorts the true meaning of prosperity but also fosters a shallow and superficial form of faith. Instead of growing in spiritual maturity and understanding, believers become preoccupied with their own desires for wealth and success. They neglect the disciplines of prayer, study, and service that are essential for spiritual growth, opting instead for a prosperity-driven pursuit of temporal blessings.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel fails to acknowledge the reality of suffering and hardship that believers may encounter in their walk with God. Instead of preparing believers to face trials and tribulations with faith and perseverance, it promises a life free from suffering and adversity. This unrealistic expectation sets believers up for disappointment and disillusionment when they inevitably encounter difficulties in life.

In summary, the Prosperity Gospel prioritizes material wealth over spiritual growth and maturity, leading believers astray from the path of discipleship and obedience to God's word. Instead of fostering a deeper relationship with God, it promotes a shallow and self-centered form of faith that is focused on earthly treasures rather than heavenly rewards.

7. How Does The Prosperity Gospel Contribute To The Spread Of False Teachings And Heresies?

The Prosperity Gospel contributes to the propagation of false teachings and heresies by distorting biblical truths and misrepresenting the character of God. It selectively interprets scripture to support its prosperity message while ignoring or dismissing passages that contradict its teachings. This cherry-picking of verses leads to theological error and confusion, undermining the authority of God's word and fostering spiritual deception.

By promoting a distorted view of Christianity, the Prosperity Gospel leads believers astray from the truth of the gospel. It presents a counterfeit version of Christianity that promises earthly wealth and prosperity in exchange for faith and financial contributions, neglecting the central message of salvation through Jesus Christ. This distortion of the gospel message not only obscures the true nature of God's love and grace but also undermines the foundation of Christian faith.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel promotes a self-centered and materialistic form of spirituality that is incompatible with the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Instead of calling believers to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Christ (Matthew 16:24), it encourages them to pursue their own desires for wealth and success. This false gospel leads believers away from the path of discipleship and obedience to God's word, fostering spiritual complacency and apathy.

Moreover, the Prosperity Gospel fosters division and discord within the body of Christ by promoting competing visions of Christianity. Instead of uniting believers around the core truths of the faith, it creates factions and camps based on differing interpretations of scripture. This fragmentation of the church undermines its witness and effectiveness in proclaiming the gospel to the world.

In summary, the Prosperity Gospel contributes to the spread of false teachings and heresies by distorting biblical truths, misrepresenting the character of God, and fostering division within the body of Christ. Instead of leading believers into a deeper understanding of God's love and grace, it leads them astray from the truth of the gospel, hindering their ability to experience true spiritual growth and maturity.

8. Does The Prosperity Gospel Undermine The Mission Of The Church To Care For The Poor And Marginalized?

Yes, the Prosperity Gospel undermines the mission of the church to care for the poor and marginalized by prioritizing personal wealth and prosperity over social justice and mercy ministry. It fosters a culture of individualism and self-interest, leading believers to focus on their own financial gain rather than on the needs of others.

This neglect of social responsibility contradicts the biblical mandate to love our neighbors as ourselves and to advocate for the oppressed and marginalized. Instead of following Jesus' example of compassion and service, adherents of the Prosperity Gospel are taught to prioritize their own desires for material blessings, often at the expense of those in need.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices about the poor, portraying poverty as a result of personal sin or lack of faith. This victim-blaming mentality absolves society of its responsibility to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, further marginalizing the most vulnerable members of society.

By neglecting the plight of the poor, the Prosperity Gospel perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality, exacerbating the suffering of those in need. Instead of using its resources to alleviate human suffering and advance God's kingdom on earth, it squanders them on lavish buildings, extravagant lifestyles, and self-serving ministries.

In summary, the Prosperity Gospel undermines the mission of the church to care for the poor and marginalized by prioritizing personal wealth and prosperity over social justice and mercy ministry. Instead of advocating for the oppressed and marginalized, it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices that further marginalize those in need.

9. How Does The Prosperity Gospel Promote A False Sense Of Entitlement Among Believers?

The Prosperity Gospel promotes a false sense of entitlement among believers by teaching them that they are owed material blessings simply by virtue of their faith. It fosters an attitude of entitlement and selfishness, leading believers to expect God to fulfill their every desire and demand. This distorted view of Christianity not only breeds spiritual complacency but also undermines the biblical principle of stewardship and accountability.

Instead of recognizing that all blessings come from God's grace and are to be received with gratitude and humility, adherents of the Prosperity Gospel believe that they are entitled to health, wealth, and prosperity as a right. They view God as a divine vending machine or genie who exists to grant their wishes, rather than as a loving Father who desires their obedience and devotion.

This sense of entitlement leads believers to become disillusioned and bitter when their prayers are not answered according to their desires. Instead of trusting in God's sovereignty and wisdom, they question His goodness and faithfulness, blaming Him for their perceived lack of blessings. This attitude of entitlement ultimately hinders their ability to experience true joy and contentment in Christ, as they become consumed with their own desires for material wealth and success.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel fosters a culture of comparison and competition among believers, as they measure their spiritual worth and standing based on their material possessions and financial success. This leads to envy, jealousy, and division within the body of Christ, as believers vie for status and recognition based on their outward displays of wealth and prosperity.

In summary, the Prosperity Gospel promotes a false sense of entitlement among believers by teaching them that they are owed material blessings simply by virtue of their faith. Instead of fostering gratitude and humility, it breeds spiritual complacency and selfishness, hindering believers' ability to experience true joy and contentment in Christ.

10. In What Ways Does The Prosperity Gospel Contribute To The Perpetuation Of Systemic Poverty And Inequality?

The Prosperity Gospel contributes to the perpetuation of systemic poverty and inequality by promoting a victim-blaming mentality and diverting resources away from efforts to address the root causes of social injustice. It teaches that poverty is a result of personal sin or lack of faith, rather than the result of systemic injustice and economic inequality.

This victim-blaming attitude absolves society of its responsibility to care for the poor and marginalized, instead placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of the individual. By attributing poverty to personal failings rather than systemic issues, the Prosperity Gospel perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices that further marginalize those in need.

Furthermore, the Prosperity Gospel diverts resources away from efforts to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, as believers are encouraged to prioritize their own financial gain over social justice and mercy ministry. Instead of advocating for systemic change and advocating for the oppressed and marginalized, adherents of the Prosperity Gospel are taught to focus on their own desires for material blessings.

This neglect of social responsibility perpetuates cycles of poverty and inequality, as resources that could be used to alleviate human suffering are squandered on lavish buildings, extravagant lifestyles, and self-serving ministries. Instead of using its influence and resources to address the root causes of poverty and inequality, the Prosperity Gospel exacerbates the suffering of those in need, further marginalizing the most vulnerable members of society.

In summary, the Prosperity Gospel contributes to the perpetuation of systemic poverty and inequality by promoting a victim-blaming mentality and diverting resources away from efforts to address the root causes of social injustice. Instead of advocating for systemic change and social justice, it perpetuates harmful stereotypes and prejudices that further marginalize the poor and marginalized.

Read more Questions & Answers of this Article on QnA page.  

If you want to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour pray repentance prayer today, and you shall be saved! Do not wait for tomorrow do it right now while you still have the opportunity!

You can share this link: http://www.yeshuaglory.com/five-prophecies-about-end-time.php , with as many people as you would like, beacuse we want this revelation to reach many people to repent and be saved. The are also materials and resources available for download in this website!

Be watchful and prayerfull, Lord Jesus is coming already!

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1-3   I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men...For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.
1 Timothy 2:1-3    

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